Bus from Sai Gon To Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Currently in Ho Chi Minh City has two business units open bus service routes transnational Ho Chi Minh City – Phnom Penh (Campuchia ) is a reliable company and the company Sapaco Tourist , Sorya bus , Thai Duong Express bus ( RAC Express Bus ) or Phuong Heng bus , and Night Bus- Virak buntham bus
Factory transport service is referred to as Thai Duong Express units Limousine bus Company in Saigon.Thai Duong Express staff with many years experience serving international shipping lines of Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh organized a day trip in his HUYN DAI Express VIP Seat.
Note: Ticket prices may actually vary by time of year
Each day a trip, activities throughout the week.
Serving new model cars, air conditioning.
Guidelines and procedures for passport and visa.
Detail | Sai Gon- to Phnom Penh | Phnom Penh to Sai Gon |
De | Every time from 04h30 until 16h00 | 05h30- 06h30 – 08h30 – 09h00 – 11h30 -12h30-13h30-14h30 -15h00 & 16h00 |
Pr | 210.000đ/P in Vietnam | 11USD/P in Cambodia |
Additional Information:
- You should prepare some important documents before the trip:
- Passport check in hotel and if you want to rent motorbike.
- Guideline book to get information about destinations
- Before the next trip, you need to phone the bus office to reconfirm departure time, which day you go, place to pick up at least 1 day before your trip
Meeting Point:
Please come to RAC Travel Office ( 268 Cong Hoa St, 13 Ward, District Tan Binh , HCMC -near Airport on the way to Cambodia ).
Email : ractravel@yahoo.com
==> Bus from Phnom penh to Viet Nam
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