Bus Ticket from Saigon to Phnom Penh, and vice versa, is US$10.00 up to US$15.00, depending on bus company. Call to (084) 0938569108 -Zalo , Email : ractravel@yahoo.com or Visit Site : www.bustocambodia.com
Seat assignment: Written in your bus ticket is the number of the seat you have chosen when you bought your ticket and which has been reserved for you.
If you buy your ticket early (a few days before your planned departure or at least a day before) there is usually still enough unreserved seats to enable you to choose and get the particular seat that you want.
Be aware: It is not a good idea to purchase two tickets..
Time of bus departures from Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon): 06:30am , 07:00am, 08:00am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 13:30pm and 15:30pm- 16:00pm .and last one is 23:30pm from Thai Duong Express - Virkak Buntham ( Rac Express bus & Tour ).
If you will buy your ticket online at Bustocambodia.com, try to be at the waiting station at least 15 minutes before the departure time of your bus pls.
There is a 20-minute stop-over for rest and food at an eating place at a point just about a kilometer from the border after entering the Cambodian territory.
Bus arrives in Phnom Penh 06 - 07 hours after leaving Saigon. Sometimes it takes longer.
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